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Hi How can i access variables when debugging node js?

10 ответов

13 просмотров

Access variable.... You want to see what value it has console log it

Void- Автор вопроса
Varun Gandhi
Access variable.... You want to see what value it ...

I can't access it or log it, the variable is not defined as you can see

Void- Автор вопроса



Because you defined the variable inside function so you can log or access it only in the function Read about " Variable scopes "

You never call the func. And don't use var

Void- Автор вопроса
سجاد سلام .🍋
Because you defined the variable inside function s...

But i defined the debugger inside the function When i debug like that in the browser i can access local variables

Void- Автор вопроса
yeah it should work

Don't forget its nodejs

Don't forget its nodejs

What node version are you using?

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