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Hey! Welcome to the C/C++ group. First of all, please

read the rules:

Want to learn C/C++ and conquer the world? Start here:

- K&R C Book: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language
- Modern C: https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02383654/document
- Stroustrup 4th Edition: http://www.stroustrup.com/4th.html
- Stroustrup Programming: http://www.stroustrup.com/programming.html
- Effective C++: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033707.do
- C++ Book List: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list

- CppReference: https://en.cppreference.com/w/

- GCC: https://gcc.gnu.org
- Clang/LLVM: https://clang.llvm.org
- MinGW: https://www.mingw-w64.org/
- Cygwin: https://www.cygwin.com
- MSVC: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/building-on-the-command-line?view=vs-2017
- TCC: https://bellard.org/tcc/

- Visual Studio: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/es/vs/community/
- CodeBlocks: http://www.codeblocks.org
- Netbeans C++: https://netbeans.org/features/cpp/
- KDevelop: https://www.kdevelop.org
- Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com
- CodeLite: http://codelite.org/
- Eclipse C++: http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/
- QTCreator: http://www.qt.io/developers/
- XCode: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/

- GDB: https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/
- GDBServer: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/gdbserver.1.html
- Valgrind: http://valgrind.org
- Sanitizers: https://github.com/google/sanitizers (also, review Clang)

- GLib: https://developer.gnome.org/glib/
- Boost: https://www.boost.org

- C++ Patterns: https://cpppatterns.com

- POSIX Threading Programming: https://randu.org/tutorials/threads/
- Green Threads: http://c9x.me/articles/gthreads/intro.html
- C++20 Coroutines: http://www.vishalchovatiya.com/cpp20-coroutine-under-the-hood/
- C Coroutines: http://www.vishalchovatiya.com/coroutine-in-c-language/

Lock-Free Programming:
- Introduction: https://preshing.com/20120612/an-introduction-to-lock-free-programming/
- Liblfds: https://liblfds.org

Build Systems:
- CMake: https://cmake.org
- Meson: https://mesonbuild.com

Package Managers:
- Conan: https://conan.io
- Hunter: https://github.com/ruslo/hunter
- Vcpkg: https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg

- POSIX: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/
- C++: https://isocpp.org

- Intel Instruction Set: https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/
- ARM Instruction Set: http://vision.gel.ulaval.ca/~jflalonde/cours/1001/h17/docs/arm-instructionset.pdf
- MIPS Instruction Reference: https://phoenix.goucher.edu/~kelliher/f2009/cs220/mipsir.html

Operative Systems:
- GNU/Linux Kernel: https://www.kernel.org
- GNU/Linux Complete Overview: http://www.bottomupcs.com/
- GNU/Hurd: https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd.html

Documentation Generators:
- Doxygen: http://www.doxygen.nl
- QuickBook: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/doc/html/quickbook.html

- Dennis Ritchie: https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/
- Stroustrup: http://www.stroustrup.com
- Fabrice Bellard: https://bellard.org

Awesome Lists:
- Awesome Cpp: https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp

- Security, Linux Kernel and more: https://lwn.net
- From C to C++: https://ds9a.nl/articles/posts/cpp-intro/
- FluentCpp: http://fluentcpp.com
- Template Metaprogramming Guidelines: https://www.modernescpp.com/index.php/c-core-guidelines-rules-for-template-metaprogramming

Formal Verification:
- Frama-C: https://frama-c.com/acsl_tutorial_index.html
- RefinedC: https://plv.mpi-sws.org/refinedc/

Competitive Programming:
- Obtain the formula from a sequence of numbers: https://oeis.org

- Metaclasses and Code Injection: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=drt3yXI-fqk&list=PLReL099Y5nRdHYz4JwB0bq1kaVw2yGDag&index=2&t=0s

- Reflection via Template Metaprogramming: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

#pin #pinned #post

114 ответов

29 просмотров


meson? 😏

free lock programming? shouldn't this be lock free programming?

1) ASM has nothing to do with C or C++ 2) cygwin isn't a compiler


book suggestion, effective cpp

Intel should be named x86 confusing for newbies with AMD CPUs I guess....

Parra- Автор вопроса



Parra- Автор вопроса


which C++ book should i read?

This is very big

Parra- Автор вопроса


MinGW & Cygwin - are not compilers! They are GNU ports to Win32. ex MS-interix

Parra- Автор вопроса

here @Mrgreat20 , the pinned post

Parra- Автор вопроса



Parra- Автор вопроса


Parra- Автор вопроса

CEREBRO check this out for book reference

Parra- Автор вопроса


Parra- Автор вопроса


Parra- Автор вопроса



So useful👍

Lately I have been coming across lots of articles from fluentcpp.com and they seem good. Maybe add it to ^ ?

Thank you for this

Parra- Автор вопроса


Hey Guys Which one of these books are best for a person who knows C (3 out of 10) and wants to become advanced in C/C++ ?

pinned message




Parra- Автор вопроса

have you checked this? @Johnn_D0e

This is one of the best groups dev network has, especially because of the pinned message resources

Parra- Автор вопроса

Santiago, here ^ you have resources to learn C/C++

Parra- Автор вопроса


Parra- Автор вопроса



Parra- Автор вопроса

Elen download CodeBlocks from here ^ and install gcc or mingw depending if you are on linux or windows

Parra- Автор вопроса


Parra- Автор вопроса


Eclipse CDT is just the language tooling for extra features like CMake support you should get Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers package or install this on your current Eclipse copy

IDEs and by IDE I mean real ones are listed here I personally added Eclipse CDT to my current Eclipse for Java SE package

Even VSCode isnt quite an IDE but I guess that command thing with I guess Ctrl-Shift-B saves him from being in a text editor list

Parra- Автор вопроса
I can add vim too

Yes but dont its not IBM 5150 era anymore

Parra- Автор вопроса
it was a meme bro

Thank god that it was a meme


Parra- Автор вопроса

it's on the bottom

This pinned message

Parra- Автор вопроса

^ here

Nice, Helpful 👍

Parra- Автор вопроса

This one

MIPS Instruction Reference requires update.

Parra- Автор вопроса

Where is CLion? :D

CLion is paid

And? It's also an IDE for C/C++, and is pretty popular

from this ref.

any recommendations for data structures?

''''''' '''''''
any recommendations for data structures?


''''''' '''''''
any recommendations for data structures?

piracy is not allowed here so if something has a price pay for it if you can't pay don't read, hell waits for you after this life.


sorry to bother you like this but books : (section) link 2 which is - Modern C: https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/latestfile/5298/ModernC.pdf is broken with error 404 so can you modify that btw is that "Modern C Book by Jens Gustedt" then you can use https://github.com/YerfSec/ProgrammingBooks/blob/main/C/Modern%20C.pdf instead of you like

Parra- Автор вопроса

there's few links here ^

Change link of Modern C to, https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02383654/document the download link is broken

learn from the book mentioned here Modern C. It's under creative commons license, that means free to download

Md. Redwan Hossain
I am not going to sell. Ensuring I am not doing pi...

We don't allow piracy here anyways. None of the resources listed is pirated,

Md. Redwan Hossain
Sounds great. Will read the book then.

I'll go through that youtube series and let you know what I think. But i doubt you need to use that when you can learn from a good book.

We should add Tour of C++ by Bjarne Stroustup here in place of Programming and Principles.

Any channels for c++ DSA ?

Parra- Автор вопроса
Aditya Tiwari
Any channels for c++ DSA ?

You can ask DSA quations here

Parra- Автор вопроса
Parra- Автор вопроса

I've asked it twice dude 😂

Nice stealing

Parra- Автор вопроса

What's the best C++ tutorial? Check the pinned message ^

What's the best C++ tutorial? Check the pinned mes...

Thanks, any advice regarding wasting less time?

it does https://t.me/thedevs_c/78698

sasidhar (formerly 'Michael the wolf') 🐺 [ 🐱🌴🍺💻 🏳]
screenshot 😅 must be something on my side

Hey! Welcome to the C/C++ group. First of all, please read the rules: @rulesforthedevs Want to learn C/C++ and conquer the world? Start here: Books: - K&R C Book: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language - Modern C: https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02383654/document - Stroustrup 4th Edition: http://www.stroustrup.com/4th.html - Stroustrup Programming: http://www.stroustrup.com/programming.html - Effective C++: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033707.do - C++ Book List: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list Reference: - CppReference: https://en.cppreference.com/w/ Compilers: - GCC: https://gcc.gnu.org - Clang/LLVM: https://clang.llvm.org - MinGW: https://www.mingw-w64.org/ - Cygwin: https://www.cygwin.com - MSVC: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/building-on-the-command-line?view=vs-2017 - TCC: https://bellard.org/tcc/ IDEs: - Visual Studio: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/es/vs/community/ - CodeBlocks: http://www.codeblocks.org - Netbeans C++: https://netbeans.org/features/cpp/ - KDevelop: https://www.kdevelop.org - Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com - CodeLite: http://codelite.org/ - Eclipse C++: http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/ - QTCreator: http://www.qt.io/developers/ - XCode: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/ Debugging: - GDB: https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/ - GDBServer: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/gdbserver.1.html - Valgrind: http://valgrind.org - Sanitizers: https://github.com/google/sanitizers (also, review Clang) Libraries: - GLib: https://developer.gnome.org/glib/ - Boost: https://www.boost.org Patterns: - C++ Patterns: https://cpppatterns.com Threading: - POSIX Threading Programming: https://randu.org/tutorials/threads/ - Green Threads: http://c9x.me/articles/gthreads/intro.html - C++20 Coroutines: http://www.vishalchovatiya.com/cpp20-coroutine-under-the-hood/ - C Coroutines: http://www.vishalchovatiya.com/coroutine-in-c-language/ Lock-Free Programming: - Introduction: https://preshing.com/20120612/an-introduction-to-lock-free-programming/ - Liblfds: https://liblfds.org Build Systems: - CMake: https://cmake.org - Meson: https://mesonbuild.com Package Managers: - Conan: https://conan.io - Hunter: https://github.com/ruslo/hunter - Vcpkg: https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg Standards: - POSIX: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/ - C++: https://isocpp.org ASM: - Intel Instruction Set: https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/ - ARM Instruction Set: http://vision.gel.ulaval.ca/~jflalonde/cours/1001/h17/docs/arm-instructionset.pdf - MIPS Instruction Reference: https://phoenix.goucher.edu/~kelliher/f2009/cs220/mipsir.html Operative Systems: - GNU/Linux Kernel: https://www.kernel.org - GNU/Linux Complete Overview: http://www.bottomupcs.com/ - GNU/Hurd: https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd.html Documentation Generators: - Doxygen: http://www.doxygen.nl - QuickBook: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/doc/html/quickbook.html People: - Dennis Ritchie: https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/ - Stroustrup: http://www.stroustrup.com - Fabrice Bellard: https://bellard.org Awesome Lists: - Awesome Cpp: https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp Articles: - Security, Linux Kernel and more: https://lwn.net - From C to C++: https://ds9a.nl/articles/posts/cpp-intro/ - FluentCpp: http://fluentcpp.com - Template Metaprogramming Guidelines: https://www.modernescpp.com/index.php/c-core-guidelines-rules-for-template-metaprogramming Formal Verification: - Frama-C: https://frama-c.com/acsl_tutorial_index.html - RefinedC: https://plv.mpi-sws.org/refinedc/ Competitive Programming: - Obtain the formula from a sequence of numbers: https://oeis.org Videos: - Metaclasses and Code Injection: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=drt3yXI-fqk&list=PLReL099Y5nRdHYz4JwB0bq1kaVw2yGDag&index=2&t=0s Papers: - Reflection via Template Metaprogramming: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= #pin #pinned #post

sasidhar (formerly 'Michael the wolf') 🐺 [ 🐱🌴🍺💻 🏳]
screenshot 😅 must be something on my side

it seems to be a bug in the client, It happened to me a few times, sometimes it'll be solved by reopening the app..

Vim? 😳

Sorry. Vim what?

Dmytro Kovryzhenko
Sorry. Vim what?

He's upset it isn't on there, I guess. Nor is emacs tho

As IDE perhaps

Visual Studio, best IDE out there


An IDE that you don’t have to do much to get it working and doesn’t have a steep curve

Parra- Автор вопроса

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