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Is it a good decision to make raspberry pi running

as a home web server for 7x24 long time support ?
I don't want to buy a cloud server, because the tasks I do is really high network consumption which is about several TB data one day ...

4 ответов

10 просмотров

You mean 24/7

1) you probably don't have the resources to protect against web based attacks and threats 2) your home network would be saturated with inbound traffic meaning you can't use your internet for browsing instantgraham. 3) a raspberry pi won't have a good shelf life if running at maximum speed 24/7 without active cooling, I don't even know if they do gigabit on there.. 4) a lot of cloud servers are gonna be way faster for external clients to connect with as opposed to your home server provided your upload speed is anywhere less than 1Gbps and your clients don't happen to live next door

You can get a digital ocean droplet for £5 pcm.

A Raspberry Pi for a web server with TB's of traffic daily... You.. haven't tumbled from the stairs head first, have you? It's a tiny little dev board. For TB's a day, you're gonna need *at least* a dedicated server at a good hosting provider with unmetered connection. A Raspberry Pi for that.. I've seen a lot of cheaping out from people but a fucking Raspberry Pi for a high performance web server like that.. look at the fucking boards dude, you think that *that* will do your TB's a day? You think that your home network for that matter will do TB's a day? You think that your ISP will allow TB's of upload a day? Come fucking on dude 🤣 what are you smoking because I want some

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