Jessie Arm7 and NOOBS for like a hundred times
I installed them on SDCard by following their manuals
Only NOOBS booted, it gave me an error for FAT file system
On Arch and Debian, ACT LED was blinking like every 6~7 seconds but nothing appeared on my Screen
I also tried all of them on another SDCard
Archlinux and Debian had the same behavior while for NOOBS, ACT LED was green without blinking
Whay might be the problem?
How can I diagnose the problem in such a situation?
Some forum posts said, If it's blinking then it means it's working OK
Some said It may blink too fast that it seems not blinking and it's working OK
I can't understand and I have no experience in this field
What should I do?
why dont you just install raspbian only on sd card
Activity LED is rather pointless for troubleshooting those things.. but be sure to check whether your SD card as well as your power supply are cromulent, and stick with regular Raspbian.. NOOBS is kinda meh
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