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Good day! I ask for advice in choosing a display

device for a smart home. I have part of the devices on openhab (Mi home\E-control and other), the monitoring and display system is built on Grafana. I made a small recess for tablets in the wall so that they could be inserted there. What an inexpensive tablet 10 inches can be advised to display information (graphs, buttons, sound control). At first I looked at brands like huawei and xiaomi. But 3 tablets from them will cost about $ 1000. What other tablets can I see for this? The main thing is that the tablet had a diagonal of 10 inches, the resolution is not lower than 1900 points, and it was possible to install customized firmware on it.

3 ответов

3 просмотра

What about three raspberry pi and screens?

You wouldn't need any of that custom firmware thingy then

How about the Xiaomi Mi Pad 3? Looks like you could get 3 of them for about €600, and its specs are pretty good.. looks like the kernel source (which is the main criteria for custom ROM development) is available for it too, at https://github.com/MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource/tree/cappu-n-oss

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