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@Skippy , Now imagine that you go to the doctor

complaining that you have regular stomach ache, feel uncomfortable and suspect that you need some cancer tests. And your doctor is saying something like "I'ts dumb question. Go google first. The smart question would be: I need to check if basal progenitor cells of my transitional columnar epithelium in the squamous–columnar junction of the upper gastrointestinal tract, the cells of origin for multi-layered epithelium and Barrett’s oesophagus, show some abnormal gene expression, whether the bile-acid reflux happens there....... (and so on)".
Every person everywhere wants to be treated well. Would you like if people everywhere responded to you that same way you do? In restaurant (because you don't know all the details of the chef cooking art), in any shop (because you don't know how product_a was different in production from product_b, or you don't know the chemical details of meals' affect on you), in airport (because you don't know air dynamics or how the mass queueing in this airport is designed).
Of course the question was totally wrong. But wrong in the same way as wrong are your questions when you ask your doctor-specialist. Person who is not a specialist can't ask detailed question about humidity sensors a priori. And that's definitely not a reason to blame him/her for it and be harsh.

2 ответов

10 просмотров


Wow that was worst analogy that i have ever seen

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