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Is it normal that I receive POST requests for path

/ (literally root dir of the http server)? They are the only POST not rejected by Apache. Should I investigate or is this normal? My website is a simple HTML page, nothing to submit, so legit requests must be only GET?

12 ответов

8 просмотров

Capture a request and you'll see most of them have payloads for common exploits

Alexander-Gnatyuk Автор вопроса
Capture a request and you'll see most of them have...

I don't doubt that, what I'm concerned about is that Apache returns 404 or 400 for all POST requests except the ones for server root dir which is 200.

Alexander-Gnatyuk Автор вопроса
Because it finds that resource :P

Ah! I assumed 200 for POST means successfully submitted form / data / something.

Because it finds that resource :P

I hopped back to Arch xD In Fedora (Gnome) I had an applet to change CPU setting to performance, low and balanced, I installed gnome in Arch but I don't see that, I don't know which package provide that applet :/

I hopped back to Arch xD In Fedora (Gnome) I had a...


Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan

Its not that one, its a newer one that manages the acpi state, builtin.

I hopped back to Arch xD In Fedora (Gnome) I had a...

I actually hold a grunge against Gnome, so my advice may be biased (or based 😎). However, Gnome's the last DE you should look into if you want to find such features. I believe KDE Plasma has something similar.

Ok ^_^

"Are you homeless? Just buy a house!"

Pedro Aguiar
I actually hold a grunge against Gnome, so my advi...

Yeah with GNOME you really should be ≥ 95% fine with the defaults. Cause you're not gonna be able to change much, and it's gonna be annoying af.

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