/ (literally root dir of the http server)? They are the only POST not rejected by Apache. Should I investigate or is this normal? My website is a simple HTML page, nothing to submit, so legit requests must be only GET?
Capture a request and you'll see most of them have payloads for common exploits
I don't doubt that, what I'm concerned about is that Apache returns 404 or 400 for all POST requests except the ones for server root dir which is 200.
Because it finds that resource :P
Ah! I assumed 200 for POST means successfully submitted form / data / something.
I hopped back to Arch xD In Fedora (Gnome) I had an applet to change CPU setting to performance, low and balanced, I installed gnome in Arch but I don't see that, I don't know which package provide that applet :/
Well then, find it :P
Its not that one, its a newer one that manages the acpi state, builtin.
I actually hold a grunge against Gnome, so my advice may be biased (or based 😎). However, Gnome's the last DE you should look into if you want to find such features. I believe KDE Plasma has something similar.
"Are you homeless? Just buy a house!"
Yeah with GNOME you really should be ≥ 95% fine with the defaults. Cause you're not gonna be able to change much, and it's gonna be annoying af.
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