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Heyoomaayoo all the amazing makers out there i am in

a rather small but kinda big problem where i am not able to find a great ideal solution to solve this.

The Problem:
I need to have an esp8266 based webpage where in i can access it from the esp's hotspot. now thats simple so we check that.
once we have the page i have to upload the hex file to the esp and it gets saved to the spiffs and then comes the tricky part where the esp has to program the AVR with the ICSP

What i tried?
so because i am not using "Arduino" for my AVR chip and please dont ask me to port it as its a huge task, i need to have it programmed with the ICSP only.

so we have two options, flashing it over USART (Not an way as no bootloader)
and the one i want is flashing it over ICSP.

this is what i found

now the unfortunate problem is they use the AVRDUDE command line to flash this over the tcp port and then push it to the esp, and i failed to find a way to get rid of the avrdude and make the esp do the flashing all by itself.. quite a task

what i expect from the makers?
well, any suggestions on how and what can be done to do this, while i am typing this message it did cross my mind the nickGammons standalone avr programmer i can take a look at that and maybe try to move it to the esp where he used the SD card to flash the AVR chip from the avr itself.

apart from that, if anyone have any solutions i would love to have your inputs

Why am i doing this?
well, thats the whole requirement of the project.. because i am getting paid and someone feels that i would want a solution and then me wont pay you, i promise to buy you a beer if your suggestion helps out in anyway.
thanks for taking out time for reading this

5 ответов

40 просмотров

1You can let avrdude fail, take the hex, and flash it with the method you choose. I'm using an Arduino as an ISP to flash attiny85 over SPI (and not UART). I'm using platformio and it passes the correct parameters to avrdude after is set up the project config properly

Parth Temkar- Автор вопроса
Avihay B
1You can let avrdude fail, take the hex, and flash...

Oh nope, you didn’t get my problem correctly. But I did solve it already thanks a lot tho

Parth Temkar- Автор вопроса

Replicated the flashing logic which the usbasp does with the help of the espAVRisp on the esp8266 and flashed it !

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