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What'S your thoughts about web3 folks? let's talk about this


6 ответов

10 просмотров

just a name so people can say w3 with nft

I mean, it's currently a touchy subject due to the immense amount of scams. The NFT thingamabobs will become the norm when it comes to collectible items whether you want it or not, so what's being developed under the umbrella term "Web 3.0" is unlikely to disappear in the foreseeable future. However, all the current fuss is just a tactic for scammers to get more victims, which amounts to roughly 90% of all there is in terms of Web 3.0 I would say being a Web 3.0 dev these days is just like being a politician. You'll have more power to change things than the average folk / dev, however it's not really a title you'll want for yourself due to the stigma attached to it, is it? Further questions might be better suited for the Chat / General group of @thedevs

However web3 turns out to be in the end, I believe that it will not make a difference for the vast majority relying on big companies like google, facebook or amazon. Owning gives power to the people, and big corps don't really benefit from that, unless they can sell you more stuff. We already nurtured a culture of consumption and instant reward junkies that mostly uses the web as a vending machine for their own desires, so decentralization is merely a goal cherished by a few. Even as developers we highly rely on cloud services. So I don't really see yet what kind of role web3 will play, if not for a curious minority. I could be wrong though :)

Sinan-Bayindir Автор вопроса

I think it's not about web3 or web v4 anymore but the future of communication over the internet

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