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Hey, sorry for interrupting but im trying to install "gnome"

extensions on ubuntu and i did everything right but extensions don't seem to work. when i enable an extension, I'm supposed to get a pop up that says "install extension" but that doesn't happen now, and when i refresh the page on the web after enabling the extension, the extension turns off, is anyone who have ubuntu 20.04 LTS facing that issue?

8 ответов

14 просмотров

What have you done, step by step

Must- Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
What have you done, step by step

1. Installed ubuntu (today) 2. Installed and updated drivers 3. Went to https://extensions.gnome.org to install the user themes extension 4. Installed the add-on for firefox and installed chrome-gnome-shell using the terminal 5. found this issue

Must- Автор вопроса
Must- Автор вопроса
1. Installed ubuntu (today) 2. Installed and upda...

How did you 'install and update' drivers?

Must- Автор вопроса

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