Похожие чаты

Hello, I have installed Kali Linux on my Windows 10

PC. How to copy contents of vim file in linux to windows clipboard?

10 ответов

9 просмотров

vmware, virtual box or wsl?

none- Автор вопроса
vmware, virtual box or wsl?

terminal from microsoft store app.

don't use kali

none- Автор вопроса
don't use kali

😅okay, now please ans my ques.

terminal from microsoft store app.

you can cat out file contents & copy paste from it.

none- Автор вопроса
terminal from microsoft store app.

other way i use is to just copy the file to /mnt/c/ directory

😅okay, now please ans my ques.

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😅okay, now please ans my ques.


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