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But even then the vast majority of systems still run

the full systemd with all its bells and whistles. The BSD's out there pretty much have nothing to say in the development of Unix anymore because Linux is so ubiquitous. Same goes for systemd. The systemd project and its fans always go "But hey you can make your own alternative! You can take a systemd component and make a compatible replacement!" but the problem is that third-party projects like that are very likely to just be another example of what BSD is to Linux. Perhaps that's why nobody is building the alternatives. Because such a project will need to be compatible with systemd, not the other way around. And systemd's shenanigans when it comes to updates and (lack of) field research and integration tests don't really make it a good project to base your own upon, does it?

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There's once again a really simple reason for your entire message. It works and it works well

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