Похожие чаты

I have no opinion on them. It's like showing someone

a fish and asking them what it tastes like. How many transactions would the list show, and how will it handle things with no icon? Or where the text is too long
Or where the cost is 5/6/7/8 digits?

What happens when click remove? Is there a dialogue? What's that like? How does it display and come in/get cancelled/go out? Is there an archive and what's that like? How does it display in non-english languages? Non-latin languages? Will it even support those things?

What happens if I click my face? Who's it targeting? What's the organisation it's being built for and what are their brand codes? How is it being positioned and differentiated in market from its competitors? What's list of user needs it's addressing and how does it meet those? What contexts is it likely to be used in? Who's the average customer, and what are the attributes of your outlier customers?

2 ответов

9 просмотров

Thanks for your input. I really do appreciate them. To be honest, I didn't put much of what you said into consideration since it is not a full scale project, but just me trying my hand on UI. I'm new to this field, so I want to learn as i practice. But nonetheless, I accept everything you point out and I might as well archived this your response for my further work. Thanks Peter

Wow, This explanation is so good. It really shows how much thought is put into a design. Thanks for sharing this process!

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