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Take the blue text on black background, under the buttons

on the dark mode mock. Is that intentional to create a moment where users have to slow down for some reason? Is it to fit in with a brand style? Is it just something which needs work to make it more readable? Are those the right buttons for that screen, for enabling the right actions at that time? How does the UI transition between light and dark mode? Is it blue on black to reflect some contextual sensibility? Maybe cultural or to create something distinct and unexpected which you can build as a brand code? Is it how other elements of the UI will work and if so, which and how?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

What really happened was that, they was no actual research before I start designing this, no variables put in mind. The text under the button will help the users know the actual task they want to perform. A finance app should be detailed I think. The length of the transaction doesn't matter in the homepage, that should be determined in the transaction tab itself. And as for the icons, they're well represented and anyone that uses finance app will easily recognizes their use.

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