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This will be a scanner app. How is the Design??

35 ответов

17 просмотров

Loud, inconsistent and junky.

Typical Indian Designers 😂 In a nutshell, it is not looking good.

Awful What do you want to scan ?

Learn about the importance of contrast, just randomly using colours will not make a good design

Think of a theme before you select colours, this is a good app to select colour swatches from: http://paletton.com/ Also follow some course on colour theory

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
Harsh Jain
Typical Indian Designers 😂 In a nutshell, it is no...

Are you nuts?? Indians are great designers 😐

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
What's typically Indian about it?

The truth is, he is a typical Orthodox, thinking that Indians are far behind than anyone. These racists will never understand the value of learning.😀

Пользователь 62b59
Yes of course😓

Look at other designers' work, try to replicate it and learn at least some design theory

MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
heh, but you have a lot to improve there

True but pointing out details would have been better than a typical statement😂

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
well if you're interested in design ofc

Yeah, I'm. I love the way you all design with so simplicity. But it's so hard to do practically😅

I think the colors are weird

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
Пользователь 62b59
The Greens??😐

Maybe think about a darker style. 🧐

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
Пользователь 62b59
No no no. I want light theme

Fine. Then find another palette. Maybe Blue, and green instead of pink and green

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
Пользователь 62b59
Are you nuts?? Indians are great designers 😐

Hey dude! I am a pure Indian and proud Indian... I am just replying this guy in his own words...

Пользователь 62b59
The truth is, he is a typical Orthodox, thinking t...

Dude... When you have so called "Graphic Designer" who just copy and paste images from internet and sell those designs atleast around 5000 INR and call themselves "Best" Graphic Designers in the city you can't be proud of designers of India... I know there are good designers... But unfortunately we have more awful designers... And I strongly criticize you all if you say Indian Designers are great...

MUTHU・KUMAR 「メーカー」 🔺
What's typically Indian about it?

Design choice of typical Indian... Well... I have been working as Graphic Designer from a good long time... So I know what is it all about... Typical Indian Designers: Dont know anything about Typography... There favourite font is either Ariel, Comic sans or Jokerman... They just use pitifully color combinations like dark green with dark red... (who does that 😂) And many more...

Harsh Jain
Dude... When you have so called "Graphic Designer"...

They're everywhere, just seems like a lot in India because the sample size is so large

Harsh Jain
Dude... When you have so called "Graphic Designer"...

I disagree with you here. Every field has newbies pretending to be professionals.

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