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Is it at least Better than b4??

19 ответов

15 просмотров

Still needs very very much improvement...

OMG the monstrosity. Did I not tell you to use a color palette. Do you think choosing colours is a mindless job that anyone could do?

You sire, what you're doing is blindly experimenting hoping to get a result which looks good. What you need to do is learn about design concepts, especially contrast and values (key lighting, darkness lighness, etc) so you can reliably create good designs instead of relying on luck

Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
You sire, what you're doing is blindly experimenti...

That's what I said :P I think there is some command here for design resources, let me check real quick...

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
Manav | avoid unnecessary messaging me
You sire, what you're doing is blindly experimenti...

There are Already so much books and pdf s of programing, CG, and maths are pending. Doing one more course will be so hard and tbh, boring. 😕

The palette is better. No why doesn't the image take the whole screen background?

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
Brice Teguia
The palette is better. No why doesn't the image ta...

Because I need to include many functions here. So I need space. Moreover, the user just needs a small area scan

Пользователь 62b59
Because I need to include many functions here. So ...

okay. try make your components a bit smaller and put them inside a kind of toolbar

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса
Brice Teguia
okay. try make your components a bit smaller and p...

I always wanted to do that,but then I came by something called minimalism, which just changed my mind. I see everyone loves it. So I started to remove toolboxes from my app😞. Maybe it wasn't a good decision

You have at least three hues here. And too much mixture of hard edged and soft edged shapes

Пользователь-62b59 Автор вопроса

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