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This has me confused a lot. To move traffic over,

what happens to the data ?

5 ответов

7 просмотров

That’s how you verify your DR is up to date, you have regional replication etc

Codexetreme- Автор вопроса

Like the current state of the data is still on the regular services , the DR servers probably need to be in constant sync to actually move traffic

Sathya Bhat
That’s how you verify your DR is up to date, you h...

For ex we fail over our Aurora RDS to the DR region, promote it to the new active, verify systems working as expected and then do a fail back the original region

Like the current state of the data is still on the...

For sure, hence you should treat DR as more than a checkbox and look into cost effectiveness

Sathya Bhat
For ex we fail over our Aurora RDS to the DR regio...

This is not dr. You have a regional resiliency, call it something else but not DR

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