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Hey, any AWS experts here I need help figuring out

whether RDS instance comes with pgbouncer Integrated or do I need to use pgbouncer alongside my application instead?

10 ответов

7 просмотров

RDS does not come with pgbouncer

ain't see much of pgbouncer while using RDS

what's your goal ?

Batman- Автор вопроса
arthur wayne
what's your goal ?

so with only around 10-15 users using website, there were upto 85 connections to RDS instance, I need to reduce them, or optimize them in a way so it can scale well as we receive more traffic

so with only around 10-15 users using website, the...

so in another words - load balancer (but for the networking) hold on a sec, I'm trying to remember something

Batman- Автор вопроса

I dunno if it helps and that are you seeking of, but in fact Amazon RedShift comes with an pgbouncer

so with only around 10-15 users using website, the...

Use a read replica endpoint in Aurora or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to reduce load on the primary instance. reduces: • JOIN Amazon Redshift AND Amazon RDS PostgreSQL WITH dblink • Using pgpool and Amazon ElastiCache for Query Caching with Amazon Redshift Basic knowledge of using pgbouncer • Query Routing and Rewrite: Introducing pgbouncer-rr for Amazon Redshift and PostgreSQL

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