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I want to develop CI/CD on AWS, I need some

help to decide the platform on which I will deploy my code, I'm considering ECS and Lambda for deployment.
If anybody has deployed codes those platform would you please tell me what challenges you faced?

14 ответов

4 просмотра

U have got to take a review at the Amazon aws documentation best advice I can give I thought being a system administrator I had lots of experience managing different systems and servers till I met Amazon aws the hardest and complicated server's to work with everything is manually managed and created and thier firewall is very tight

Try first, then solve the challenge

My challenge and your challenge is different

Yash- Автор вопроса
tech joker
U have got to take a review at the Amazon aws docu...

I have to deploy medium scale real time web services, should I go for Lambda or ECS? I don't have much hands on experience with containers. Does fargate also face scaling issue when load increases?

Yash- Автор вопроса
Yash- Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
My challenge and your challenge is different

Yes but initially I can on deploy simple webseries to try, deploying industry scale services would be different. so just thought of asking you people.

Yash- Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Start with simple. Use ElasticBeanstalk

But I'm going to use codedeploy in the deployment stage of my pipeline so I have three options lambda, ECS, EC2. I'm eliminating EC2.

But I'm going to use codedeploy in the deployment ...

You're letting the tools dictate how and what you can do. Why?

But I'm going to use codedeploy in the deployment ...

CodeDeploy can deploy to ElasticBeanstalk. What are you talking about?

Yash- Автор вопроса
What should I use then?

That which you understand and can implement and troubleshoot

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