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Hi All, I have an issue at work. I have

a application stack that has 10 containers. 2 of those need to always be on the same host because of a folder that uploads and does something to the files. Now the problem is, that I have this application stack in docker-swarm and I dont have much controll of the placement, except for node.hostname Placement constraints is there any other way to force that these 2 containers will be deployed to the same host?

9 ответов

4 просмотра

the file upload need to be put on object storage. use tool like minio that provide you S3 like API. then you don't have to care where the container run

GGXD- Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
the file upload need to be put on object storage. ...

thanks, thats an idea that we could use. But this will add to the monthly cost of the application which we want to minimize.

GGXD- Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
the file upload need to be put on object storage. ...

I tried to go for glusterFS, it works for image files, but if we upload a video then it takes too much time to sync the file and gives an exception

thanks, thats an idea that we could use. But this ...

the idea of container so that you don't care where it is running. if you have to care where it is running, don't use container. makes things much more simpler, and not getting complicated using container

GGXD- Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
the idea of container so that you don't care where...

Im not at a level where I can make these kind of decisions. Still a small fry junior :D

I tried to go for glusterFS, it works for image fi...

decouple the upload process from the web page rendering process. if you use AWS, you can create S3 signed URL, and give it to the client/app. let it takes its own time to upload the file. your app just continue serving other client

I tried to go for glusterFS, it works for image fi...


Im not at a level where I can make these kind of d...

discuss with your senior/manager. if they cannot accept the idea, they are not suppose to be at their level actually

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