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Hello everyone, I’m currently working as an automation engineer and am

considering a shift in my career focus. Specifically, I’m trying to decide whether to specialize in backend development or DevOps. I’m also curious about the salary prospects for these roles.

Future Salary Trends: How do you anticipate salaries for DevOps engineers will compare to those of software engineers, particularly in backend development, in the coming years? What factors are likely to influence these salary trends?

Career Path Decision: Given the evolving technology landscape, which career path—backend development or DevOps—might offer better long-term growth and opportunities for an automation engineer? What should I consider when choosing between these two fields?

4 ответов

18 просмотров

Learn Go, become a backend developer

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Raptor Blue Bear
Learn Go, become a backend developer

But GOLANG is a niche ,I know little go ,but don't have a loot offer in go in my country

But GOLANG is a niche ,I know little go ,but don't...

It's the fastest growing backend language and most "DevOps" tools end up getting written in Go; You absolutely want to learn Go in 2024 and beyond

But GOLANG is a niche ,I know little go ,but don't...

Golang at least: - doesn't have a bloated toolchain - doesn't have bloated build dependencies for its toolchain - doesn't rely entirely on one demonstrably false sales pitch - doesn't have to maintain a cult in order to trap devs into using it because it's so scared of becoming irrelevant - doesn't try to blatantly steal every other language's job and reinvent everything

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