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Im guessing you are connected via vpn but github actions

isnt? or is that taken care of as well

18 ответов

12 просмотров

sure, but I don't understand why it has to connect directly to minio, when what I'm doing is a "docker push"

sure, but I don't understand why it has to connect...

Why do you think Github Action does not need to connect to the MinIO?

sure, but I don't understand why it has to connect...

😃 docker push happens from Github Runners (the server running your action) to minio you're using

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Why do you think Github Action does not need to co...

I'm not familiar with how the registry (and s3) works under the hood, but it seems strange to me that a direct connection is established between the client and MinIO since I push to the registry. It would be like saying that in a SPA (Single Page Application), the user writes directly to the database 🤯

I'm not familiar with how the registry (and s3) wo...

Github Action is not a Single Page Application. It has a backend system. When you build the image and need to push to the registry, the same process will happen with Github Action. And the registry need a storage which is your MinIO

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Github Action is not a Single Page Application. It...

Yes, of course, but the point is: why does the client (GitHub action) have to connect directly to MinIO when it pushes to the registry? Isn’t it enough that the registry is reachable? It should be the registry that handles uploading to MinIO, not the client

Yes, of course, but the point is: why does the cli...

Because it's a privately hosted registry that Github action does not have access to

Raptor Blue Bear
Because it's a privately hosted registry that Gith...

No, the registry is publicly accessible. Only MinIO is private

Yes, of course, but the point is: why does the cli...

How do you verify Github Action is accessing your MinIO directly?

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
How do you verify Github Action is accessing your ...

If I use the registry with filesystem storage, it works perfectly. Even if I establish a VPN between the client and MinIO, everything works. Moreover, the GitHub timeout indicates MinIO's private IP

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
What is "client" here?

Me, I tried a docker push from my PC: - If I am connected to the VPN, the push works (and i see it in minio bucket) - If I am not connected to the VPN, the push does not work. The VPN allows me to reach MinIO. The registry is always accessible from the internet domain. - Github works if registry uses filestorage instead of s3

Me, I tried a docker push from my PC: - If I am c...

Where is the registry located? How do you connect to registry? Using IP address?

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Where is the registry located? How do you connect ...

I access the registry via 'registry.example.com' which is located on Server A. The MinIO container is on Server B. Servers A and B are connected through the Tailscale VPN

I access the registry via 'registry.example.com' w...

In registry, how does it know how to contact MinIO? You put MinIO IP address in registry configuration?

Yes ofc

And the MinIO IP is private?

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