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Hi Guys, Morning, Im having trouble with the git flow

which my team is using when integrating with CI/CD, normally we will run unit testing when there is merge request or pull request right? however my current team flow is like this

Case 1
Branch_1 PR to Dev (No Conflict) -> it will trigger the build and run the test

Case 2
Branch_2 PR to Dev (Found Conflict) -> it wont trigger the build because of the conflict
However we can't resolve the conflict directly on github. So we do the resolve manually by these commands
git checkout dev
git merge --no-ff feature/Branch_2
git push origin devAnd resolve it manually and push back to dev, github will automatically detect and close the PR becoz it is consider already Merge the PR

But if this is the way, than it will skip the unit testing, so how to resolve this kind of issue?

1 ответов

4 просмотра

Fail the build if a rebase is needed, don't do it auotmatically — OR use proper topic branches I always favor rebasing over merges personally —- linear histories are my jam

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