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Guys, I have a project that uses: redis, mongodb, node

api backend, admin, and socket.io for messaging. I'd like to elastically scale them, so it supports spikes in traffic, yet save $$ for server and operation costs. I'd like to go either GCP or AWS. I want to automate the CD/CI flow for either case:

1. My go-to strategy has been just deploying them in dockerized containers, plug them into the Jenkins for CD/CI, then work with the ElasticBeanstalk with auto-scale configurations.

2. I'm exploring options this time to work with GitLab CD/CI (both projects are using GitLab), implement Kubernetes, then deploy directly into EKS or GKE.

Any insights on which one should I go with? Any feedback on either or other option would be much appreciated!

2 ответов

4 просмотра

ECS via cloud formation on AWS

Any reason to use Kubernetes over ecs?

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