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Hi can someone tell me why my xec withdrawal has

been “auditing” for over twenty four hours?

2 ответов

16 просмотров
Cain- Автор вопроса

But when can I get my xec out?

But when can I get my xec out?

Wallet maintenance implies one of several possible things could be happening: - There could be a possible fork on the block chain. In order to protect funds, we have disabled the wallet until a consensus has been made on which chain is the proper chain. - The wallet has been updated by the developer and the exchange is in the process of implementing the wallet update. - The wallet daemon on our server has hung or crashed. - The wallet is sending orphan transactions or having an issue that requires the developer to work with us on resolving. There are other scenarios that cause a wallet to be disabled. In general, the wallet is disabled to prevent users attempting to deposit or withdraw to a wallet that may not be functioning properly. We are always actively working to bring wallets in maintenance back online as quickly as possible. You can set a reminder in: https://www.coinex.com/asset/withdraw?type=XEC And when maintenance finished, announced to you

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