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📢 Weekly Winner Announcement (19 - 25 Nov) Campaigns 1️⃣ RLWC Tournament

Prediction Game Round 3
2️⃣ Long VS Short Vol.12
3️⃣ Play Alphabet Earn CET Vol.29
4️⃣ Award Crowns for RLWC Champions
5️⃣ Enjoy the Opening Game

Full winner list 👉 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15yCssPZFTJ2XU3Tg0nZrccKdzG5n0Mpkt3yl0iuhUio/edit?usp=sharing

1. Giveaway rewards are for CoinEx users only, if you are new to CoinEx, register a CoinEx Account here.
2. All rewards shall be credited into your account within 14 business days.

Find CoinEx: Web / Twitter / Telegram / Announcement / Facebook / Instagram / YouTube

12 ответов

15 просмотров

Admin, Coinex Community Winner List (November 4-11, 2022) the reward is still not distributed, please check it

Luka Modric Fans
Admin, Coinex Community Winner List (November 4-11...

Number of winners and reward amount per winner will be finalized on basis of total valid entrants at the end of the campaign. Reward amount may vary for each winner depending on the number of referrals made and are not shared equally. The winner with more referrals will get a bigger share of the rewarding pool. All rewards will be credited to the winner's account within 14 business days from the date of result announcement.

Siracoos- Автор вопроса
Luka Modric Fans
Admin, Coinex Community Winner List (November 4-11...

Please tell me which event you won so I can report this

Please tell me which event you won so I can report...

I won the Halloween Crossword Challenge (Twitter) event

Siracoos- Автор вопроса
Luka Modric Fans
I won the Halloween Crossword Challenge (Twitter) ...

OK its about our twitter events i will report your issue to them

My comment have about 700 like why I'm not win crowns for RLWC event ?

My comment have about 700 like why I'm not win cro...

Please submit a ticket to customer support for this enquiry

Rishi Rahul
Please submit a ticket to customer support for thi...

Our team gets together every chance we get to discuss how we can provide a better experience for our customers. For account inquiries, you can submit ticket here and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Rishi Rahul
Please submit a ticket to customer support for thi...

And the twitter winner pm their emaail address to twitter?

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