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Hi there! I have a Redis Cluster instance deployed to a

local k8s cluster, using Helm. Everything works fine setting 3 nodes and 0 replicas 'till I want to enable externalAccess: it stucks in services creation, binding no IPs. No pods are created as well.
How can I communicate to cluster using for example RedisInsight app to perform some tests?
before recreating Redis resources with externalAccess enabled, I tried to use kubectl port-forward with no success

4 ответов

14 просмотров

To communicate to a Redis cluster using RedisInsight, you need to enable external access on the cluster. This will allow RedisInsight to connect to the cluster and display the data. To enable external access on a Redis cluster, you need to edit the Redis Helm chart and set the externalAccess property to true. You also need to specify the serviceType property. The valid values for serviceType are ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. If you set the serviceType property to ClusterIP, the Redis cluster will be accessible only from within the Kubernetes cluster. If you set the serviceType property to NodePort, the Redis cluster will be accessible from outside the Kubernetes cluster, but only from the nodes where the Redis pods are running. If you set the serviceType property to LoadBalancer, the Redis cluster will be accessible from outside the Kubernetes cluster, and RedisInsight will be able to connect to it from anywhere. Once you have enabled external access on the Redis cluster, you can connect to it using RedisInsight. To do this, open RedisInsight and enter the host and port of the Redis cluster. The host is the IP address of the node where the Redis pod is running. The port is the port that the Redis pod is listening on. Once you have entered the host and port, click the Connect button. RedisInsight will connect to the Redis cluster and display the data. If you are unable to connect to the Redis cluster using RedisInsight, you can use kubectl port-forward to forward the port from the Redis pod to your local machine. To do this, run the following command: kubectl port-forward <redis-pod-name> <local-port>:<redis-port> For example, to forward the port from the Redis pod named redis-master to port 6379 on your local machine, you would run the following command: kubectl port-forward redis-master 6379:6379 Once you have forwarded the port, you can connect to the Redis cluster using RedisInsight. To do this, open RedisInsight and enter the host and port of your local machine. The host is localhost. The port is the port that you forwarded. Once you have entered the host and port, click the Connect button. RedisInsight will connect to the Redis cluster and display the data.

To communicate to a Redis cluster using RedisInsig...

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To communicate to a Redis cluster using RedisInsig...

Cannot complete these steps, already tried I asked here to have a chance to text with humans, not AI 😅

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