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📊 CoinExMarketDaily 📅 26/05/2023 Top Gainers Name

24H Change
📈FX +33.38%
📈POSI +30.27%
📈NYM +24.18%
📈VLX +24.18%
📈ALI +21.30%

What's New This Week?
»Analyze to Earn vol.14
»Play Alphabet Earn $CET Vol.48
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»Pizza Day campaign($CET)
»Pizza Day Campaign($BTC)
»Pizza Day Campaign($ETH)
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»CoinEx Lists $POOLX
»Play Alphabet Earn $CET Vol.49
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»Pizza Detective: Who Ate The Pizza?
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Must Add End Date every campaign

𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙍𝙖𝙫 ♆ ₿ [YT]
Must Add End Date every campaign

You can click on it and read the campaign announcement to find out when it ends.

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