of a monitor with the arduino UNO?
Is it possible?
Yes, you can using VGA output, if monitor supports VGA input... https://simple-circuit.com/interfacing-arduino-vga-example/
Really appreciate you tazz
But we want to read a data from USB connector, and change the color of monitor with that data. We dont want to use VGA cart, Is it possible with USB serial connection?
your question is not clear. what actually you want to achieve? is the monitor VGA or HDMI? and why do you want to change the text color on the monitor?
We have a button, When the button is ON( digitally 1), we want to the screen of the monitor get black, and if OFF(0) be white. This is our project But we want to do this with the default arduino USB connection, not with graphical ports like vga or HDMI
how do you want to control the monitor with just USB without using its native connection of VGA or HDMI?
Yes you true we need yo use vga or HDMI But, first of all i need to programm arduino with usb , next disconnect and connect it to monitor Yes? Or i need to connect both with USB to my case, And VGA to ardiono and computer?
You need connect to hdmi or arduino when you have programmer your arduino
Yes you can use usb but to command the monitor to change the color, you have to use VGA or HDMI interface, HDMI is harder to use. For usb you could use CP2102 to convert usb data to serial communication.
But he want to send data from arduino, so a usb to ttl converter is useless
Please let me know what you think is "Arduino".
I don't understand you
What do you think is "Arduino"?
It is basically a mcu
Nope... Arduino is set of libraries written for different microcontrollers to make programming easier... Different MCUs use Arduino or are Arduino compatible.
OK, what have do that with the problem?
He asked "we want to read a data from USB connector"... Not every MCU that are Arduino compatible has USB connector...
Arduino is overall word
So Arduino boards are usb compatible
USB provides a differential pair on its data lines with ~300mV difference (IIRC). You cannot use it directly without first converting it into something else. I think you can use the serial console over USB (so long as the baud rate is right), but to connect to the display you'll have to use the Arduino's GPIO pins. For a display that is not a simple Nokia-style display or one of those tiny OLED panels, you'll probably want to go with something like a Leonardo board though. I think those have LCD modules you can just stick on top. Be mindful of the pinout of each though, once I ordered the wrong display for my Leonardo and even a HAT didn't solve it.
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