Похожие чаты

When open Hydro deposit 😡 ??

9 ответов

10 просмотров

Due to the notice of abnormal transaction involving the HYDRO token, the deposit service is suspended for the wallet maintenance. We expect your patience and support during this hard time.

Mr Don
open Ton coin withdrawal

We will gradually resume deposit and withdrawal services for the remaining cryptos in the upcoming days. For future updates on deposit & withdrawal resumption, please refer to our official Fees Standard page (https://www.coinex.com/en/fees?type=deposit) & our social media channels.

Rishi Rahul
We will gradually resume deposit and withdrawal se...

LBR deposit opened time 6 utc It's now over. But still LBR deposit not opened yet...

Mr Don
LBR deposit opened time 6 utc It's now over. But s...

Sorry for the delay. I'll report it to the concerned team.

Thần-Điêu Автор вопроса
Thần Điêu
Will open before Thursday ?

Sorry, we don't have those details.

Thần-Điêu Автор вопроса
Thần Điêu
So will be Friday ?

Pls check latest announcement https://t.me/CoinEx_Announcement/3378

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