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Hi folks! Does anyone know this wifi board on an

older custom firmware smart plug? It reads NX_830VB_1843 on one side, but nothing returns when searching with that.

7 ответов

17 просмотров

Doesn't look like WiFi board at all, it looks like a power board with place for fuse, inductor and what looks like a relay but can't be sure.

R+i INC-Enirda Автор вопроса
Doesn't look like WiFi board at all, it looks like...

That pic with the serial number also shows the antenna..

R+i INC Enirda
That pic with the serial number also shows the ant...

Yeah I figured that out after I wrote the message... but is it possible for picture where we could see the chip itself?

R+i INC-Enirda Автор вопроса
Yeah I figured that out after I wrote the message....

Nah. It's shielded. I am trying to zoom my camera to the gap to see if anything is engraved on the dark side.

R+i INC Enirda
screenshot Nah. It's shielded. I am trying to zoom my camera ...

That is one big task... let me check something.

R+i INC Enirda
screenshot Nah. It's shielded. I am trying to zoom my camera ...

God there are so many like these, I was trying to check it out using pictures...

R+i INC-Enirda Автор вопроса
God there are so many like these, I was trying to ...

Yeah same. Also the serial is sending weird results

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