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When remove HYDRO st tag ??

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Dear user, thanks for your support and appreciate your interest in HYDRO token. CoinEx will regularly track and review all listed cryptos, and decide whether to add/remove ST labels based on the latest results of the project update.

Rishi Rahul
Dear user, thanks for your support and appreciate ...

So concerning the removed token.... What will happen to those holding them?

Bandit🔱| ZRT Ambassador
So concerning the removed token.... What will happ...

If a token is about to be delisted from CoinEx, a prior announcement will be made in our channels and time will be given to withdraw the assests to another platform or wallet.

Rishi Rahul
If a token is about to be delisted from CoinEx, a ...

But you know that it's possible for one to miss the announcement due to one reason or the other. So what will happen in that case? 🤔

Bandit🔱| ZRT Ambassador
But you know that it's possible for one to miss th...

Please don't miss any announcements. When you see an ST tag on a crypto, its a risky project. We will be posting the announcements on our website and our social media handles. And there will be a specified time period to withdraw your assets.

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