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For a current project of mine, I'm looking for a

CAD software of some kind that allows for 3D modeling of a physical appliance, with electronic components as what could be just "black boxes" around it. Honestly I'm just looking for how to best do the physical wiring and component positioning on this whole thing, but imagining it or even making 2D drawings doesn't seem ideal. Hence I'm looking for some 3D modeling software that does this kind of thing. Do you happen to know of anything of the sort? Thank you!

4 ответов

20 просмотров

maybe fusion 360

Mohamed Aimene
maybe fusion 360

That is paid right, I mean before I use to use it to basically do nothing creative but now it is paid only, unless you're a student and your college is registered with Autodesk.

That is paid right, I mean before I use to use it ...

It think it's free for personal usage and paid for professional usage . Also if you are student you can directly apply be yourself ,you just need to use your university account

Mohamed Aimene
It think it's free for personal usage and paid for...

That it what it was, not I can't even install it.

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