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Is there a LDAP crash course that I can watch?

The docs are confusing in openldap or 389 directory server

8 ответов

6 просмотров

I don't know of any courses / books. are you doing this for work or homelab / personal use ?


Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса

Keycloak looks really nice and simpler to use

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
Keycloak looks really nice and simpler to use

It's really complex, but at the end you have a sane login solution that can also be SSO.

Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
It's really complex, but at the end you have a san...

I mean that's the point with LDAPs, right? To be able to create users across multiple and selective services, especially role based.

I have bad news for you, if you're having issues with the documentation I'd suggest you don't administer your own LDAP server

Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
I have bad news for you, if you're having issues w...

I'm setting up my own to learn it. Don't mess with prod

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