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How to put secrets in a dcoker image securely? I have

a GIT_TOKEN which I need to have it when building a dockerfile
Of course I can use github secrets for this purpose, But I want to build it on my pc or servers as well

the GIT_TOKEN must be set inside an ENV when images is being built, so I can not put it inside docker-compose

What is the best way?

7 ответов

12 просмотров

Here's y

Why would you want to have your secret inside of your container image? Never do that! Instead have your secrets in your environment. Your container host for example and mount them to the container via env variables.

Ehsan- Автор вопроса
Why would you want to have your secret inside of y...

Look, The image will be built this way: It clones a git repo and build an image to run the code, Since the repo is private, I need a git token and since I want to make it automate in ci, So I need to put secret somewhere What do you suggest?

Look, The image will be built this way: It clones ...

If you are using gitlab or github you can set secrets on repo settings and put in ci yml file

Do you mean that during your Docker build process you need to clone another private Repo to your project and start building them, so it will become some kind of sub module in your root repo. If no, there is no reason to store your git token as "Build time" envrionment variable in your Dockerfile, instead you should get your GIT token from some secrets manager and clone your repo, and then build

Ehsan- Автор вопроса
Do you mean that during your Docker build process ...

Yes I need to clone private repos during the dockerbuild What is the best way to pretect secrets? maybe I need to build it without ci

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