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How can i do it?

20 ответов

17 просмотров

Here: https://t.me/c/1112053193/438941

Just don't use Ubuntu

Must- Автор вопроса
Sander Koenders
Just don't use Ubuntu

I started to agree to be honest

Must- Автор вопроса
Must- Автор вопроса
Sander Koenders
Just don't use Ubuntu

You know that this "problem" doesn't have anything to do with Ubuntu? Why are you so pent up on making people change distros?

You know that this "problem" doesn't have anything...

I'm not saying people should change distro, simply saying that Ubuntu is crap

You know that this "problem" doesn't have anything...

+ the guy is noob enough to not know anything about grub. And you want him to change to what? Arch?

+ the guy is noob enough to not know anything abou...

Fedora, Arch is not for inexperienced Linux users

+ the guy is noob enough to not know anything abou...

Again no, there are other sane distribution. Not just Arch


LMAOOO you can bet your bottom dollar that answer was coming

You have an alternative?

Ubuntu has its instabilities issues but at least you will be able to fix your problem and go on with your day without spending hours and hours reading through documentation and tech forums because some driver update broke your OS. If you work relies on solving this kind of problem, then good for you, otherwise it's just shooting yourself in the foot imo. You don't see car mechanics fixing their own car or lawyers being their own lawyers every time because they have more important stuff to do

Pedro Aguiar
Ubuntu has its instabilities issues but at least y...

All my car mechanic friends spend basically all of their free-time working on their cars.

All my car mechanic friends spend basically all of...

If they can afford doing so, then good for them :)

All my car mechanic friends spend basically all of...

Cuz they're fun cars. They don't go out of their way to buy a Renault megane and do engines swap or coolant changes

Pedro Aguiar
Ubuntu has its instabilities issues but at least y...

Don't assume Arch is the only alternative to Ubuntu. What you're saying here is called a false dichotomy. We have more than two distros and beginners don't have to suffer from Ubuntu just because you happen to think that one of the others is not right for them.

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