guys think about Wordpress for a personal blog?
Lol, and LOL Wordshit is the crappiest software you can run. If you need it get it hosted for you by the wordpress guys themselves or face having your server defaced all the time. Else look at decent alternatives, like dokuwiki with blog plugin (see: ) or ghost blog.
Not running it on my own website (fortunately) but I am writing for a website that does use it ( if you're interested). But it is slow as shit, and especially editing stuff on the Elementor pluginfest is slow.. slow as shit. For a personal blog, WordPress is painless on the admin but if you want something that performs quarter-ass decent, look into Jekyll and Hugo
Yes - I finished the recode yesterday, and there's some mistakes here and there. I use TYPO3, it's very popular in germany (about the same market share as WordPress here) I wouldn't recommend it. I love it, but it's a an abusive relationship
It's fine for a blog.
imo, if you are comfortable with markdown use any static site generator otherwise use ghost
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