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Should the deadline date be of same size & style

as the deadline time? also do I make all the text in the order cards blue (execpt the status tags)?

3 ответов

5 просмотров

nah, just make the heading blue

I think for the date, a bold is sufficient. A plus of what you can do is add another centered badge below the date for the time ago format (for example, you can use moment.js for this. Ex: moment(date).fromNow() for the dates to be meaningful. Also you might want to reserve the other prominent colors to what the main indications are (for example reds strictly only to 'rejected', or 'failed' kind of statuses). etc.. You can use different shades of the same color as long as they can be recognized as different. This is just so that the users can differentiate them right away. For example for the case of your Pending statuses since there can be many type of Pendings.

this looks fine color wise

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