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I have an EC2 instance that hosts a video conference

app (Jitsi)
To enable recording in Jitsi, an EC2 instance from the image I have already created needs to be deployed (jibri). This image sets everything up automatically on the startup. For each conference recording, a new instance of Jibri needs to be deployed (Jibri automatically handles load balancing so we don't need a load balancer)

I want 5 jibri server IDLE everytime
2 is the minimum amount, max can be anything.

I have an internal API in jibri server, that would hit the cloudwatch with a metric 0 or 1 (0 for Busy, 1 for IDLE)

How can I scale up/down with this system? Any help?

2 ответов

1 просмотр


Have you tried EC2 autoscaling groups?

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