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📢 Weekly Winner Announcement (15th - 21st Oct) Campaigns 1️⃣ Play Alphabet

Earn CET Vol.24
2️⃣ Long VS Short Vol.7
3️⃣ Meme Captcha Viral Share
4️⃣ I Love RLWC Opening Game

Full winner list 👉 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YvbDikLwvY3GCI7SDaP3Vn9RfE9NSyzJ69iK1lJTP0k/edit?usp=sharing

1. Giveaway rewards are for CoinEx users only, if you are new to CoinEx, register a CoinEx Account here.
2. All rewards shall be credited into your account within 14 business days.

Find CoinEx: Web / Twitter / Telegram / Announcement / Discord / Facebook / Instagram / YouTube

4 ответов

6 просмотров

Are the rewards distributed? Cause I only recieved 0.1$ cet where the reward is around 10$

Siracoos- Автор вопроса
Dollar_machan || Don't DM me, won't reply
Are the rewards distributed? Cause I only recieved...

not yet for this week all rewards will be distributed within 14 business days

Wow iam win ☺️

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