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What'S the difference between arch and Ubuntu other than how

they provides packages (one provides bleeding edge tech and other one LTS)?

9 ответов

3 просмотра

ubuntu sucks arch doesn't

Ujjawal-Gupta Автор вопроса
Ujjawal Gupta
Why Ubuntu exists then?

why does any other shit thing exist? same thing

One is user centric and expects you to try and solve issues on your own first using its top-tier documentation, and has a nice community for when you get stuck, the other is Ubuntu.

Ujjawal-Gupta Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
One is user centric and expects you to try and sol...

So, is there any other technical difference also than ease of use?

Ubuntu has historically been a first point of contact for Windows users coming to Linux, but has gradually shifted to enterprise instead (hence the LTS, and ESM as well). For individual users, it's gotten significantly worse. The snap package manager in particular is a gripe of mine. This is why I'd only use Debian instead. Arch meanwhile has a large focus on DIY. It's got fast updates, and no such thing as an LTS (unless you want to consider the whole rolling release model as an indefinite LTS). Very user-centric, and community-driven. Btw I used to use Arch 🙃

Ujjawal Gupta
So, is there any other technical difference also t...

Canonical isn't capable of even packaging a browser, your question has been asked hundreds of times before, am sure you can google around

Ujjawal-Gupta Автор вопроса

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