buildx". But when i using it i got X.509 error about CA that it not found..
When i using regular docker build i didnt got this error.
The driver of buildx it "docker container"..
Someone can tell me what can i do? In my GitLab pipeline I tried to save the cert into etc/docker/certs.d folder but the error come again..
Need your help please 🙏
Without the actual full error message we'd just be guessing
docker buildx build Faield to solve: faileld to resolve metadata for registry xxxxxx failed to veryfied certificate x509, certificate sign by unknown authority Thank you!
You are trying to connect to a self-hosted registry, if you have control over it - google on how to add certificates to it, if you are using harbor there are a shit ton of docs for it. If not - talk with the person who has privileges to edit stuff
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