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Hello I try to implement websocket server using warp and I get

this error:
error: borrowed data escapes outside of method
label: self is a reference that is only valid in the method body

async fn start(&self) {
let users = Users::default();
let users = warp::any().map(move || users.clone());
let app = warp::path("ws")
// The `ws()` filter will prepare Websocket handshake...
.map(|ws: warp::ws::Ws, users| {
return ws.on_upgrade(move |socket| self.clone().user_connected(socket, users));

what can I do?

1 ответов

13 просмотров

It would be nice if you attach the full error, and code If I had to take a guess, in the line: ws.on_upgrade(move |socket| self.clone().user_connected(socket, users)); you move &self into the closure, and only then clone it. you can do this instead: ws.on_upgrade({ let s = self.clone(); move |socket| self.clone().user_connected(socket, users) }); similarly, you don't need the clone at the second line

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