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I thought I could get away with CentOS 8 but

I'm beginning to hate that there are certain things that it can't do on my potato laptop (like supporting my old GTX 1050 or install effin pandoc). I'm thinking of distro hopping to a Debian but I'm open to any other flavor. Any recommendations?

9 ответов

8 просмотров


Agent Q-| You PM me, You Pay Автор вопроса

I was on Fedora. I struggled installing the nvidia drivers and got stuck with nouveau

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
I was on Fedora. I struggled installing the nvidia...

If you want NVIDIA so bad you should pick a distro which openly confesses about NVIDIA support

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
I was on Fedora. I struggled installing the nvidia...

Just download the drivers, block nouveau, go into multiuser and install.

Just download the drivers, block nouveau, go into ...

drivers might and will break with kernel updates

How? It's a module

How is it being a module relevant?

Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
I was on Fedora. I struggled installing the nvidia...

You will struggle with nvidia drivers everywhere. That's the whole point of nvidia.

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