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🚀 @SBERLOGABIO webinar on bioinformatics: 👨‍🔬 Д.б.н. Проф. Алексей Лагунин "Sequence-structure

based bioinformatics."
⌚️ Monday 17 July, 18.00 (Moscow time)

The talk will be in English. (It might be useful for CAFA5 Kaggle competition participants. Announcement on Kaggle.)

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Sequence-structure based bioinformatics approach is a new direction of bioinformatics which is based on representation of sequences as their structural formula and analysis of structure-property relationships using molecular descriptors and machine learning algorithms. Some cases using of this approach will be discussed during webinar.

О докладчике: А. Лагунин - более 7к цитирований https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=qaSuEUkAAAAJ&hl=ru , руководитель программы медицинской биоинформатики - магистратура: https://t.me/sberlogabio/57684

Zoom link will be available in https://t.me/sberlogabig shortly before start of the talk.
Video records: https://www.youtube.com/c/SciBerloga

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